The Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower
It doesn't matter how your children get to you, just that they get there. However parenthood comes to you, it's a miracle."

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

IVF Wives Tale? or Not?: Pineapple!

They say that pineapple is an implantation aid, and the rule of thumb after an embryo transfer is to cut the pineapple into 5 pieces, and eat a piece of pineapple, including the core, for five days, counting transfer day as Day 1.
So what is it about pineapple that makes it so special? Apparently, there are indications that the bromelain in pineapple increases cervical mucous. This increase in cervical mucous can make the uterus “stickier,” which can lead to increased rates of implantation. Most of the bromelain in the pineapple is found in the core, so it is important to eat that part along with the meat.
We will find out soon enough of it works or not!

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